Hampstead Scientific Society Home Page

Hampstead Scientific Society News


Dec 2019

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Apr 2019

Dec 2018

Sep 2018

Apr 2018

Dec 2017

Sep 2017

Apr 2017

Dec 2016

Aug 2016

Apr 2016

Dec 2015

Sep 2015

Apr 2015

Dec 2014

Aug 2014

Apr 2014

Dec 2013

Aug 2013

Apr 2013

Dec 2012

Aug 2012

Apr 2012

Dec 2011

Aug 2011

Apr 2011

Dec 2010

Aug 2010

Apr 2010

Dec 2009

Aug 2009

Apr 2009

Dec 2008

Aug 2008

Apr 2008

Dec 2007

Aug 2007

Apr 2007

Dec 2006

Aug 2006

Apr 2006

Dec 2005

Aug 2005

Apr 2005

Dec 2004

Aug 2004

Apr 2004

Dec 2003

Aug 2003

Apr 2003

Dec 2002

Aug 2002

Apr 2002

Dec 2001

Aug 2001

May 2001


News from the Observatory – Simon Lang

Transit of Mercury: November 11th 2019 – Simon Lang


Supernumerary Rainbows – Julie Atkinson

Observing the Moon: (1) Region of Plinius – Doug Daniels

Observatory Reopening This September – Simon Lang

London Weather 2018-19 – Trevor Law

EN VACENCE and my first view of the Universe – Doug Daniels

An Update on the Observatory (Apr 2019) – Simon Lang

British Science Association – Julie Atkinson

Maggots – Julie Atkinson

Beware The Ides of Membranes – An Update on the Observatory (Dec 2018) – Simon Lang

The Hampstead Storm 14 August 1975 – David Smart (UCL Hazard Centre)

Obituary Professor Heinz Siegfried Wolff, 29 April 1928 – 15 December 2017 – Julia Daniels

News from the Observatory (Sep 2018) – Doug Daniels

At last – a Mystery solved? (Gamma Rays) – Doug Daniels

Birthday Honours (Gravity Waves) – Peter Wallis

Observatory Closure (Progress Dec 2017) – Simon Lang

Balloon Over Hampstead – Jim Brightwell

Current Progress at the Observatory (Sep 2017) – Doug Daniels

More on Anti-Matter – Peter Wallis

News from the Observatory (Dec 2016) – Doug Daniels

News from the Observatory (Aug 2016) – Doug Daniels

Anti-Matter – Peter Wallis

So Mars is NOT Dry After All! – Doug Daniels

More Batteries – Peter Wallis

Is This More Evidence that the Perceived Wisdom on ‘Global Warming’ Might Not be Entirely Correct? – Doug Daniels

Asteroids, Water and the Search for Extra-terrestrial Life – Doug Daniels

Drawing the Moon – Doug Daniels

Rosetta's Rendezvous – Doug Daniels

Footnote to "Whither Batteries?" – Peter Wallis

Rendezvous with a Comet – Doug Daniels

Planetary Systems– Peter Wallis

Balloons at the AGM – Jim Brightwell

Comet – Close Encouters – Doug Daniels

Observing the Sun in a 'New Light' – Doug Daniels

Whither Batteries? – Peter Wallis

Super-luminous Supernovae – Peter Wallis

A Permafrost Problem – Peter Wallis

Whither Nuclear Power? – Peter Wallis

Something to Look Forward to? – Doug Daniels

Our Pills or Our Wildlife? – Peter Wallis

Asteroids Galore – Peter Wallis

Impacts - V - Volcanism The Origins of the Lunar Craters – Doug Daniels

More on Climate Change – Doug Daniels

Planets and Gravitational Microlensing – Peter Wallis

The Last Half Century – Doug Daniels

Planet Formation – Peter Wallis

Exoplanets – Doug Daniels

To 'Go To' or Not to 'Go To' That is the Question – Doug Daniels

Still Searching – Peter Wallis

But Does Dark Matter Really Exist? – Doug Daniels

Geoengineering – Peter Wallis

The Third Pole – Peter Wallis

The History of the Cooke Telescope – Doug Daniels

Methane and Climate Change – Doug Daniels

Geoengineering the Climate – Peter Wallis

Our Restless Planet – Peter Wallis

HSS Observatory & Meteorology Station Centenary April 2010 – Doug Daniels

In The Beginning – Doug Daniels

Total Solar Eclipse July 22nd 2009 – Doug Daniels

Another Comet Collision With Jupiter – Doug Daniels

Earth's Second Moon? – Doug Daniels

Weather Forecasters Get It Wrong Again! – Doug Daniels

2009 - The International Year of Astronomy – Doug Daniels

When is a Planet Not a Planet? – When It's a TNO? – Doug Daniels

I Know His Face – Peter Wallis

One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago – Peter Wallis

Other Worlds Than Ours – Doug Daniels

More Debate on Global Warming – Doug Daniels

The Strange Case of Comet Holmes – Doug Daniels

Venus Express – Peter Wallis

The Antikythera Mechanism – Doug Daniels

Our Island – Peter Wallis

The Centre of the Galaxy – Peter Wallis

Atmospheric Pollution & Urban Astronomy – Doug Daniels

Better Eyesight With Less Colour Vision? – Robert Weale

The Formation of C.A.T.S. - Camden Amateur Telescope Society – Doug Daniels

Fusion Research – Peter Wallis

Better Colour Vision? – Peter Wallis

Nuclear Power – Peter Wallis

Is the 'Big Bang' a 'Damp Squib'?

Gravitational Tractor for Towing Asteroids – Doug Daniels

Flu – Peter Wallis

Einstein Centenary Year

Planetary Formation – Peter Wallis

The Gravity of the Situation – Doug Daniels

Ice Age – Peter Wallis

An Ancient Remedy? – Peter Wallis

Oxygen – Peter Wallis

Venus in Transit – Doug Daniels

Early Life – Peter Wallis

The 'Dark Side' of the Universe – Doug Daniels

Junk DNA? – Peter Wallis

Light Pollution – Not a New Problem for Astronomers – Doug Daniels

Dark Matter – Doug Daniels

Solar Neutrinos – Peter Wallis

Lots Road Power Station – David St George

Enigma – Peter Wallis

Death of a Star – Peter Wallis

World Pathogen Strategy Disclosed

The First Stars – Peter Wallis

The Next Generation Space Telescope

Eddington – Peter Wallis

Climate Change – Man Made or Naturally Cyclic – Doug Daniels

Methane-eating Archaea – Peter Wallis

Life in the Universe, So Where Is Everybody? – Doug Daniels

Second Thoughts on the Ages of Stars – Peter Wallis

Healthy Milk? – Peter Wallis

Forthcoming Events

None at present

Latest Items

Hampstead and Auroras on ITV

Observatory Closed for Summer for Night Viewing


Historic Items

Julia Daniels

Cancellation of Talks due to Covid-19 Outbreak

We were sorry hear of the death in the new year of 2018 of our former Meteorological Section Secretary Philip Eden at the age of 66. He had retired from the post last year as he had been suffering from Lewy Body Dementia. A distinguished weather broadcaster, journalist and author. Our condolences go to his brothers.

"We cannot accurately assess what a different sort of climate might do to us in the future if we have forgotten what our very own climate has done to us in the past."

Heinz Wolff

Brian Bond

Ray Softly Passes Away

Dr Jamie Nelson Passes Away

Joan Wolff, wife of ex-President Heinz Wolff (1968 - 1987) passed away on 21st October 2014 after a long illness.

Prof. Colin Pillinger Passes Away

Gordon Harding Passes Away

Prof. Robert Weale Obituary

Tribute to Patrick Moore

John Hayden Passes Away

Alfred Oppenheimer Passes Away

Big Ben Visit Wednesday 18th May 2010

Betty Weale Passes Away

BBC London interview Doug Daniels

Visit to the Royal Astronomical Society Library

Caesar Kamieniecki Passes Away

Observatory and Met. Station Centenary Celebration

Vice President Publishes Book Oct 2009
Youth Prolonged: Old Age Postponed, by Robert Weale, published by Imperial College Press

Trip to Greenwich 4th May 2009

Summer Party 3rd August 2008

David St George Passes Away

Camden Amateur Telescope Society

Lunar Eclipse March 2007

Visit to JET 4th October 2006

Mercury Watch June 2006

Jupiter Watch May 2006

Report of the 2006 Eclipse at Hampstead

Full Mars Opposition Report by Doug Daniels

View of Mars 20-Nov-2005 by Doug Daniels

Pluto Discovery 75th Anniversary by Lester Hillman (800KB)

View of Mars 6-Nov-2005 by Doug Daniels

View of Observatory from Above by Jim Brightwell

Photos of the 2005 Eclipse by Terry Pearce (423KB)

Science in the City Walk May 2005

More photos of Comet Machholz Jan 2005

The last opening date for the observatory this session (2004-05) is 17th April.

The advertised May 2005 lecture, 'The Life and Death of the Woolly Mammoth', was replaced by a talk by Prof Mitchell Berger of University College London, on 'Applied Topology'.

Angus McKenzie January 2005

Photos of Comet Machholz Jan 2005

3rd August 2004 Thunderstorm Data

Photos of Comet Neat May 2004

More Photos from Transit of Venus June 2004

Visit to Wetland Centre June 2004

Transit of Venus June 2004

New Meteorology Page

Lunar Eclipse Nov 2003

Solar Activity Oct 2003

Henry Wildey Oct 2003

More on Mars Approach Aug 2003

Mars Approach Aug 2003

Summer Heat 2003

Annular Eclipse Photos from May 2003

Transit of Mercury May 2003

Lots Road Power Station Visit Summer 2002

Weather Station Opening 2001

Total Eclipse 1999

Last updated   12-May-2024

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