HSS Forum Information

The HSS Discussion Forum is hosted on Delphi by one of the Society members.

You can visit most Delphi Forums as a guest, but you won't be able to post messages.

To respond to posts, or start a thread of your own you will need to register. Registration is a one-time event, and takes just a minute to complete. After that you need only log in with your Membername and Password.

Registration asks for information including on location, age, gender. They say this information helps them understand who is using the service. You can read the Delphi Forums Privacy Policy to learn how Delphi Forums treats members' information.

Also, you need to have "cookies" enabled to use the forum.

When you log in, you will probably be presented with a pop up advertisement first, with buttons to follow for more info, or to skip and go on into the forum. These ads help pay for Delphi to be free to users, and can be avoided if you pay to subscribe to Delphi.

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Hampstead Scientific Society Home Page

Last updated 13-May-2006