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Observatory update MAY 2024

The Observatory is now closed for the summer.

But look out for any solar viewing slots we may offer during the summer.

FOLLOW US ON EVENTBRITE giving your email address to get notifications of openings.

Eventbrite will show no upcoming event until a couple of days before an opening, as opening is staff and weather dependent.


[At the observatory] Hello and welcome to the homepage for the astronomy section of the Hampstead Scientific Society (HSS). This is one of the most visible parts of the HSS due to our observatory which is open to the public on clear Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Follow this link for the opening times and a map. A list what is visible in the skies above Hampstead this month can be found over here.

[Crowd at the Venusian tranist 2004]

There is of course more to the Astronomy Section than merely observing the sky at the weekend. Sometimes the objects in the sky put on a bit of a show, outside of our normal opening hours. On these occasions there are extra sessions to accomodate increased public interest. For a fuller picture of the section's activities have a look at our section reports and consult some of our member's pages.

[Skylights]We are also one of the oldest parts of the society, forming a significant reason for the establishment of the Scientific Society back in 1899. A summary of the history of the astronomical section of the HSS can be found on this page.

The purpose of the observatory is to share the night sky with the wider public. It costs nothing to visit and donations are welcome. To whet your appetite click here to browse our picture gallery.

In the meantime clear skies,
Doug Daniels
Section Secretary


Joint Section Secretary: Doug Daniels
Joint Section Secretary: Simon Lang
Treasurer: John Tennant



Our e-mail address is: astronomy@hampsteadscience.ac.uk.

If you would like to receive regular information about events etc. at the Observatory by e-mail, send an e-mail to: Simon Lang at Hampstead Observatory.


Hampstead Scientific Society

This section is part of a wider organization devoted to the promotion of science in general: the Hampstead Scientific Society. This is a registered charity (#278114) and was founded in 1899. The current officers are found under Membership. There is a monthly guest lecture on some aspect of science. These are open to the public and held at the Crypt Room of St. John's Church in Hampstead. Click on the HSS logo to access the main society website for the full programme.

A membership of the society is not expensive. Details of subscription fees inlcuding how to transmit the money, relevant forms, and addresses can be found along this link.


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© Hampstead Scientific Society, 2007.
Registered Charity No. 278114.

Last modified: 03 May  2024 JAA.